Giving a voice to those who can’t speak for themselves.

Who We Are

The Cart Horse Protection Association is a non-profit Cape Town based animal welfare organisation. Our vision – to establish a centre of excellence for working equine welfare in the Western Cape. Our mission – promote the welfare of working horses and donkeys in the Western Cape through service provision, legislation, education and training. Our aims – to protect working cart horses and donkeys on the Cape Flats from abuse; initiate an outreach programme for working horses and donkeys in the Western Cape; establish a formal Youth Programme on the Cape Flats.

Our History

The carting industry as we know it today has a proud heritage rooted in District Six where horses and carts were used to “smous” (hawk) fish, fruit, vegetables, bottles and bones. Horses were kept in community stables, traveled short distances with light loads and business was lucrative for the cart horse owner.

With the forced removals to the Cape Flats, the lives of cart horse owners, their family and their horses took a turn for the worst. Far from their markets, hawking was no longer a viable option and communities began using horses and carts to collect scrap metal to generate an income.

This new carting industry led to the renting out of horses and carts and an increase in cart horse operators who had limited knowledge on how to properly care for and maintain a working horse. Consequently, badly shod, thin, overloaded, overworked and abused working cart horses became a common site on Cape Town’s roads.

Cart Horse Protection Association was established in 1995 to support owners and to address the welfare issues prevalent in the industry at this time. It is our belief that if owners and drivers have access to affordable services, are educated on proper horse care and have an understanding of animal welfare legislation, we can reduce the risk of horses’ welfare being compromised.

Currently we support cart horse owners, drivers and guards from 21 different areas on the Cape Flats, who use cart horses as a means of transport, collecting scrap metal and/or garden refuse and rubble to generate an income for themselves and their families.

Our Approach

We believe that for the working cart horses on the Cape Flats to be fit, healthy and comfortable in work we must have a holistic approach to their welfare.

We aim to provide for every aspect of their health and well-being.

We provide subsidised farriery services as well as feed sales. We have three farriers and also offer harness and cart repair services at our clinic in Epping. Each horse along with its harness and cart is also inspected whenever they come in for shoes to make sure that their condition is acceptable.

Our Equine Welfare Practitioners (EWPs) are trained Animal Welfare Assistants who can provide emergency veterinary care and as trained Animal Welfare Inspectors they can go out to inspect the living conditions of the horses in ninety stable yards across the Cape Flats. Each visit assesses the horse, stable size, tethering, access to grazing, availability of feed and water, cleanliness of stables and bedding, stable floor and structure, safety and ventilation. If yards do not meet the required standard an intervention is put in place.

Whenever a horse is inspected on the road, the horse, harness and cart are all inspected. Additionally, carts had to have an ID board at the back and the driver has to show an E53 Cart Hors Operator’s Permit. To receive such a permit potential drivers are tested on the traffic laws as well as horse and cart care.

An inspector is always on duty to deal with complaints and emergencies regarding working horses of the Cape Flats and we always encourage the general public to call us at any time with information and concerns. This number is manned 24/7: 082 6599 599.

Our Status

The Cart Horse Protection Association is:

  • registered NPO with the Department of Social Development
  • registered PBO with the South African Revenue Service. PBO Number 930000749.
    • All donations to the Association are tax deductible in terms of Article 18A of Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962.
  • Classified as an ‘Exempt Micro Enterprise’ as per the Department of Trade and Industry’s Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice.
    • We are a good BEE contributor and score between 65 – 75%, a BEE Recognition Level 4.
  • Audited by Campbell & Co
  • Governed by an active Management Committee which meets on a monthly basis and holds bi–annual Strategic Planning Workshops to ensure that our goals and objectives are aligned with the trends in the carting industry.

Meet Our Team


Ashley Deelman

Head Farrier


Carl Naude



Chilekeni (Emanuel) Nyangulu



Diana Trutor



Donnex Nyama



Jolize Jordaan

EWP Trainee

Sephule Nkiwane

EWP Trainee


Karin Paschen



Marlin Pienaar

Apprentice Farrier


Megan White

Major Fundraising


Mzimkhulu Bomvana (George)



Penny Lankester

General Manager


Sihlalo Dingiswayo (Herbert)


Zaheed Leite

Trainee Farrier