Stolen, pregnant and alone!
Stolen, pregnant and alone!
Darling Iris had been through a string of bad owners. But then her luck changed. She found the best possible owner who used her to only sell vegetables on the side of the road. Iris was treated like a lady, including accommodation in a first class stable. All was good with the world.
Iris had fallen pregnant and was booked off three months before she would be foaling down. While resting, enjoying the fresh air and green grass at her new home, a heavily pregnant Iris was stolen off the field. This was a heart-wrenching day for everyone as we feared for both Iris and her unborn foal. The Cart Horse field staff jumped right in and helped the owner follow up on all the leads received from the community. Iris had developed a very strong bond with her owner so we knew she would be very homesick, alone and scared.
Iris was still missing after 32 days. Then, one of our inspectors received a call late on 11 January. A reliable source tipped us off about the whereabouts of Iris and yes, her foal! Early the next morning, our inspectors went out in full force to collect Iris and her foal. The entire Cart Horse office waited in anticipation as we did not know what they would find on arrival at the location. Once Iris and her foal were loaded and trucked safely out of the area, we got the call; “We got her!”. The loud cheers were probably heard all the way down the street and pure relief was felt by every one of us in the office.
Iris and her precious baby were finally reunited with her owner who could not hold back the tears when she was brought back home! Judging by her badly-wounded withers, it was very clear that poor Iris had been ridden hard. She had unfortunately also lost condition. Cart Horse appeals to you for your support. Your donation will continue to help mend Iris back to her original happy and healthy self. We will keep a close eye on her foal who was finally given her name, Mischka.
Due to the sensitive nature of this case, names and certain details were withheld.
Thank you for considering donating. Thanks to kind hearts like yours, we are able to care for horses like Iris when they need it the most.
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Other Ways to Donate
Cart Horse Protection Association
Bank: Nedbank
Cheque/Current Account
Account No: 104 639 5998
Branch Code: 104 609
Swift: NED SZAJJ 104609
IBAN: ZAI NED SZAJJ 104609 104639
Reference: Iris
Reference: Abas
Please use your name and surname as a reference and email proof of payment to We want to make sure that you get your section 18A certificate and acknowledge your donation.
Cart Horse Protection Association is a non-profit organisation and all donations are Tax Deductible. As of February 2008, the Cart Horse Protection Association has been classified as an ‘Exempt Micro Enterprise’, as per the Department of Trade and Industry’s Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice. Cart Horse is a good BEE contributor and scores between 65 and 75%, a BEE Recognition Level 4. As a business you can earn points under the ‘socio-economic development’ category on your BEE scorecard when you make a donation to the Association.