CHPA operates out of Epping 2 in Bofors Circle, right next door to Animal Anti-Cruelty League Cape Town. If you do not have a car to transport your sick or injured pet to the only vet in the area, you do what you can. The photos of the dogs were taken right outside our property.

Anemic dog being taken to AACL for treatment, where you can wait for up to five hours to be seen to!

Another dog on his way to AACL.

Organisations such as ours, including AACL, exist to help animals in the poorer communities. People from all walks of life love their animals and people from all walks of life can also abuse their animals!

Flicka being calmed by his companion while being treated by the vet.

The heartache when your beloved horse dies suddenly.

For us to be able to be there for the cart horse owners, please go to

Owner trying his best to keep his horse dry in the rain!

A loving owner stroking his horse waiting for shoes.

The whole family came to hear what the problem was with Summer after being seen by the vet.

And Eric continues to buy feed for Summer, on his bicycle.


Folks, please help us help those who cannot speak for themselves, the hard-working cart horses on the Cape Flats.  CLICK HERE TO HELP US HELP THE VOICELESS