Abas’ Story
At one in the morning on 7 July, Mrs Arendse woke up to find her horse, Abas’ stable on fire. Luckily, they were able to get him out of the stable in time to save his life and called us for help. We took him to Blue Cross Veterinary Hospital. At first, we didn’t think Abas had serious injuries – we thought it was just scorched hair – but he was treated with pain medication and antibiotics just in case.
We soon realised his wounds were far more extensive than we initially thought. This is quite a common occurrence with burn wounds – the true extent of the injury can only be gauged some time after the initial burn. Abas is receiving ongoing care and treatment from the vets at Cape Vet Equine and his owner has done a sterling job of keeping the wounds clean and staving off infection, which is very common with burn wounds. The last time the vet saw Abas, he was healing well and the wounds already showed new hair growth.
We have spoken with the owner, Mrs Arendse, and the cuplrit was a young man whom she had taken pity on. She had allowed him to clean Abas’ stable and paid him for it on a previous occasion. When she subsequently refused to give him more money, he threatened to burn her house down and indeed followed through with the threat.
A case has been lodged with SAPS for attempted murder, arson and animal cruelty and the suspect has since been arrested by SAPS. So far, Abas’ vet bill has amounted to R13,452.62. His injuries will take many months to heal and the bill will only increase. If you want to help Abas and other horses we provide with veterinary care, please consider making a donation. Even a little can go a long way.
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These images may be distressing to see. Please click the image to view original.
Thank you for considering donating. Thanks to kind hearts like yours, we are able to care for horses like Abas when they need it the most. Your donation will ensure that we can continue to provide veterinary care to the working horses on the Cape Flats.
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Other Ways to Donate
Cart Horse Protection Association
Bank: Nedbank
Cheque/Current Account
Account No: 104 639 5998
Branch Code: 104 609
Swift: NED SZAJJ 104609
IBAN: ZAI NED SZAJJ 104609 104639
Reference: Abas
Reference: Abas
Please use your name and surname as a reference and email proof of payment to We want to make sure that you get your section 18A certificate and acknowledge your donation.
Cart Horse Protection Association is a non-profit organisation and all donations are Tax Deductible. As of February 2008, the Cart Horse Protection Association has been classified as an ‘Exempt Micro Enterprise’, as per the Department of Trade and Industry’s Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice. Cart Horse is a good BEE contributor and scores between 65 and 75%, a BEE Recognition Level 4. As a business you can earn points under the ‘socio-economic development’ category on your BEE scorecard when you make a donation to the Association.